We are in the 21st century and still fighting against the problem of malnutrition. According to a report, around 30% of India’s population is suffering from this problem. We all know that with an empty stomach, we cannot claim to be a superpower. According to WHO, malnutrition is more dangerous than any other serious disease. In our efforts to beat malnutrition ,We are delivering ‘Food for life’ in different corners of Trichy – with an aim to eliminate malnutrition.


Food For Life (Annadanam Seva)

is supported by your generous donations.

Perhaps you have a special occasion for loved ones such as a Birthday or Anniversary and would like them to receive special blessings from Lord Krishna! You can do this by sponsoring for Annadanam.

“A person who honors prasadam immediately can achieve the results of pious activities which are obtained through ten thousand performances of sacrificial rites.” (Padma Purana)

“Those persons who engage in annadanam or giving of food grains on My holy days will achieve liberation very soon”   (Padma Purana)

Of course, any time you donate for the service of the Lord, you receive His Blessings.

